Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Stu Update 3

Now I'm mildly obsessed, but I figure that's ok!


The doctor called this morning and said that Stewie was going to the bathroom all by himself so he was free to come home.

Since I drove the carpool today (yes I do that) I couldn't leave work, before the required 4 o'clock pick-up time. We could pick him up after, but the surgery staff would not be there to answer all our questions. So Barry drove from Norman to go and get him!! He was planning on coming anyways, but he shouldered the burden alone!

Stewie will be on strict cage rest for the next 4 weeks. He is allowed out to go the bathroom, but that is it. He needs time to heal, but I can still sit outside with him or carry him around for 15 minutes at a time.

He still can't walk, but he is putting pressure on his back legs. So if he starts to drag them, we are supposed to correct him. He is like a baby, we need to teach him the right way to walk, and dragging is not the right way. I will also have to hold his back up while he goes to the bathroom, until he can fully stand on his own!!

I'm just really glad he will be home, and hopefully by the time Barry graduates, Stu will be almost back to normal!!! Then we are going to have a graduation/yey for walking party, if anyone is interested.

I will upload some picks when I get home!!!


  1. Aww Katie, this is soo sad! But so happy he is doing better. It makes me cringe to think of the poor little guy not being able to walk :( I would freak out... I about lost it when Margo had kennel cough!

  2. So sorry to hear about Stu but happy to see that it sounds like he's doing better. It's amazing how attached we get with our pups!
