Friday, April 8, 2011


I knew I was good at this whole blog thing, and it is about time that someone recognized all the hard work I have put in on my 6 posts so far in my blogs existence. Just Kidding.... But Megan over at The Greens gave me this wonderful award.

So here is it my friends.

This award means that I have to tell you all 7 random facts about myself.

1. I have two precious puppies that have been with Barry for the past 3 days, and I miss them terribly. I will attach a baby picture of Stu that I found this week while he was gone and I wanted to cry.

And here are both my babies. They like to snuggle at freaking cute is that.

2. I love breakfast, all of it. Oatmeal, omelets, french toast, fruit, yogurt. I love it at all times of the day, and as much as I don't want to admit this, I made pancakes for dinner last night. I will tell you that pancakes are way way way better with peanut butter on them.

Now I'm starving :(

3. Every year after winter, I get nervous to start running outside. How weird is that. I will run on the treadmill, but the idea of running outside makes me tired. Once I make myself I'm fine, but the first time takes me a couple months to work up to. Not there yet!

4. I have a phobia that all headaches = brain tumors! I found an article about it yesterday at

Article Here:
Anyways.. I sent this link to Barry with the title "I told you so"  He responded and told me that he had already seen it, and was hoping I wouldn't. Haha.
5. I love love love Microsoft Excel My favorite thing at work is figuring out how to automate reports, and getting others excited to automate with me. I love it, and my group hates me for it :) I'm sorry if you are reading this.
6. I have spent the past 3 days of my life trying to get our new lawn watered. 2 days for the backyard and 1 day for the front. At this point I don't care how much a sprinkler system cost. Its worth it. Its opportunity cost, and my time is expensive!!!
7. We have a new car in the family!!!! Barry got a new truck and I'm super excited for him. Please see below. PS Barry also got me a huge surprise with his purchase.
His new toy:

My new toy
Yes its a keychain...WOOP
Megan this was all for you! 


  1. Loved it! Thanks for humoring me!

  2. You love Microsoft Excel and automating reports!? Katie, you're a freak! But I love you! Nice new ride Barry!
