Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Stu update 2

We only called the vet twice today, which I was very happy with, I would have called every hour if not for my very smart and reasonable future husband, who insisted that nothing would be served by calling and harassing the doctors :)

Anyways, the surgeon spoke with us this morning and told us that Stu did great over night, he still can't use his legs or urinate by himself, but that was normal with the inflammation from the hernia and the surgery. He did say that Stewie had been taken off his IV and they were switching to oral pain medication which is a good sign.

When I called the vet tech this afternoon she informed me that she had been carrying stu around all day, he was in good spirits and he went outside to try and walk today. He still has no use of his right leg, but his left is starting track, another good sign.

We were very lucky to find the doctor that we did, someone with a ton of expertise in small animal neurosurgery, but Barry has been doing research on the topic and a lot of puppies are not as lucky.

http://dodgerslist.com/ is A website that is dedicated to informing puppy parents about what their options are and where to take a dog if this happens to them. So just in case!!

We will talk to the doctor again tomorrow morning and get a better idea of when we can bring the big guy home!


  1. GOOD!!! I am thinking about him and hoping he gets both of those sweet little legs up and moving again!

  2. I'm so sad Stu has to go through this, but I'm glad he is getting better!
