Thursday, May 19, 2011

Passport Debacle

Hey all - Sorry it has been a long time since my last post. I have a ton of things to tell everyone, but I never seem to want to sit down and type them/upload photos, etc etc.

So Barry graduated from OU Saturday May 14th, and while he didn't walk (it was the whole, done it once, don't need to do it again thing), I also think he was worried I would have embarrassed him with my jumping and whistling, and sign making. It would have been fun for me. So anyways, we decided to redo our flower beds in front of the house. ie pull out the dead stuff and add some pretty stuff.

So we added some hydrangeas, a new holly, some begonia's. We also pulled out all the old mulch and put in new mulch!

I wish I had a final project picture for you, but I will add that to my list of things to do.

I also planted a few tomato plants and some Lavender in pots in the backyard.

So far we have killed the pretty yellow ones and one of the blue hydrangeas.......I have no idea how, but we are trying to bring them back from the dead!

I will keep you updated on the progress.

In other news. I got a new job.....same company just new position. I will be working in the Controllers group, so it should be a good learning experience. First thing my new boss asked me, was do you have a passport, we need you to go to Scotland, May 23rd. Awesome, I know!!!

I was super excited for about 30 seconds until I realized that I have moved 3 time in less than a year, and somehow lost my passport. I didn't think it was a big deal since I figured I would need a new one when I got married anyway.

Long story short after a couple hours running around the house screaming, I calmed down and started to do some research. Apparently you can get passport in 5-7 days, which is good cause I had 13, but you have to go to a regionally passport office, the closest of which was in Dallas, TX.

The next day I went to work and called the travel office at COP and they told me that they could do it for me. So I had my parents overnight my birth certificate, went to Walgreen's to get my picture, visited the post office twice, and wrote a few hefty checks to the State Department. Look at the pretty guy I got in the mail one week later!!!

Kinda makes me feel important....ha ha not really.... more felling unorganized. Great way to start the new job :)

I also got the wedding invites in the mail from the nice lady at Haute Paper Couture!! I'm so happy with them. Here is a sneak peak.

Couple months to go!! YEY!

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