Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Those are words that I haven't said recently, but nonetheless! We have a late start today (noon), although I'm confident that we won't have to go in at all. I'm currently sitting on the couch watching the news drinking coffee, and no until I just typed this did I realize that I'm old, really old.

One thing that is less fun, is that I have to take my two tiny dogs outside, and they hate hate hate cold/now/anything below 60 degrees. So this morning I wake up to find 10 inches of snow in my back yard and two dog that are 6 inches high.

I attempt to throw them out and yell at them to "potty" but that doesn't work, and so I go and find my trusty shovel.....

I should have really invested in a real snow shovel as opposed to a dust pan, but it still worked...kinda.

I was out throwing snow in order to make a path for the dogs to get to the grass. And I think I did a pretty good job!

Long gone are the days of snow ball fights and Monopoly all day, we thought the luxury tax was $750.00 as opposed to $75.00. haha, Lauren we were really smart.
But as long as the puppies are pottied and happy so am I!

Happy Snow Day to all!

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