Thursday, December 13, 2012

40 Weeks and a Nursery update

Hello all -

Sorry it has been awhile. I think 20 weeks or so. Well its official I'm now overdue (is that the correct word). Yesterday was my due date, and still no baby boy Ruddick.

I have been working from home all week, due to an extremely nice boss. So I have just been waiting around for baby to make his arrival, and spending quality time with our 3 furry children. I don't think baby is ever going to come. We do have a doctors appointment today, so maybe they will just keep me :) That would be awesome!

Anyways Brittany and Megan have been asking me to blog so I figure I have time now so why not post an update bump and nursery pictures.

So here is a bump picture....not the best one ever, but its a self portrait.

I feel like he has dropped a lot and he loves to move from one side of my belly to the other. It still freaks Barry out. He also like to kick the puppies whenever they lay against my belly.

So moving onto the nursery! I'm really excited about this room, it is my favorite room in the whole house.

I still have a few things I want to put on the walls once he is here and I can get some pictures of him!

Changing table

Lazy-Boy glider! Really excited about this!!

Closet! We have a bunch of stuff crammed in here right now, the built in dresser is a huge bonus!

Book shelf and crib!

As you can see, we are still debating on names, both with a J, John and James, but Michael has been thrown in the mix in the past couple weeks........Who knows where we will end up.

John Allen Ruddick
James Lee Ruddick
Michael James Ruddick

ahhh what a hard decision........

We will keep you updated!!! Hopefully today is the day!

Monday, July 30, 2012

20 Weeks and Nursery Update

I'm falling behind on these weekly postings, probably because I realize I'm going to be pregnant forever, so I should pace myself.

But seriously, Brittany and my friend Christina are having babies this week. They will have their babies and all of their maternity leave, come back after 8-12 weeks, and I will still have 6-10 more weeks. ugh forever. :)

I guess its worth it for a healthy baby!

Anyways we had our 20 week check up last week. This is the appointment where they have the really long ultrasound and check that the baby has all his organs, arms and legs. Baby Ruddick passed with flying colors. He actually was moving around so much that the ultrasound lady was getting frustrated. Then she said he is 15 oz. Which a typical baby at that week is about 10-11 oz. So we have a big ol baby. The doctor said it wasn't a big deal and they may move up my due date at some point in the future if he keeps growing like this. Barry was almost 10 lbs, so I guess big babies are a Ruddick family thing. Yey for me :)

Here is a 20 week picture. I think baby was sitting up in this one, cause my belly doesn't seem as big as the week before.

Barry and I, mostly Barry have been working on the babies room. Here is the progress so far. I will try and find some before pics, but I'm pretty sure the room was green (or yellow), can't remember. Sorry for the horrible lighting. I'm going to buy a camera at some point before December.

You'll notice I have two different curtains up, I can't decide if I like the white (picture below) or yellow (picture above) better. I'm leaning towards white.

One wall is grey the other 3 are baby blue. Barry did a great job painting.

The rug is from Urban Outfitters and I love it. Barry hates it because its not cushy or soft, but I like it because it looks pretty. We might have to get another when baby is toddling.

Shelf is from Ikea. If you know anything about Ikea you have to self assemble everything. This was going to take me a long time, thankfully Barry was sure I would screw it up, so he finished for me!

I did a couple craft projects last week, that I will share at some point.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Weeks 18 & 19

The weeks are flying by, I cannot believe this baby is almost halfway done cooking. That is crazy!!!

Here are my 18 week pictures. I had my mom take these while I was in KC for Lauren's wedding. This was right before the rehearsal dinner.

Lauren's wedding was so much fun. She was the most beauitiful bride ever! It was great to see people from both high school and college. Living far away is hard sometimes.

Over the weekend I think I felt baby boy kick, but I'm not sure. But for posterity sake, I'm going to call it July 13th.

Barry didn't make the wedding due to "Dog boarding issues". I put that in quotes, as I'm not totally convinced. He did spend all weekend fixing walls, priming, painting and hanging light fixtures in the baby's room. It looks great, I will hopefully post some pics this weekend.

Here is a preview. Isn't it wonderful!!! I'm so excited...its should be in the mail today.

Here is the 19 week picture: (sorry about the shirt, it kinda blends into the wall)

For the first time this week someone asked if I was pregnant, without knowing before hand. I guess I'm really showing now!

I'm in desperate need of maternity clothes. I bought some shorts but nothing to wear to work, and I'm getting bigger by the day!

Ok well off to eat another meatball sub! Have a great weekend everyone!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

17 Weeks

This post is a bit delayed. I will actually be 18 weeks tomorrow, but Barry and I spent most of last week in the mountains. Vacation delayed my blogging.

My 17 week picture isn't a great one of the belly, but you can see the base of the Beaver Creek ski resort. Which was absolutely beautiful!!

We really did enjoy our trip. Maybe it I get really motivated I will post some more pictures.

Overall, the past couple weeks have been some much better than the first 14 or so. I have more energy, I don't think I'm quite as bitchy (may have to ask Barry about that). The only issue I have is with the stupid round ligment pain. I don't know if anyone out there knows what I'm talking about, but it is not fun.

I have been craving meatball sandwiches like crazy. I know really random, but I love them. I miss beer and wine. Especially up in the mountains enjoying the nice summer weather, and all the home brewed wheat beers :(

Sleeping is starting to get a bit harder. I'm a stomach sleeper, so as baby boy gets bigger, I'm having to sleep on my side. Which causes my arm and shoulder to fall asleep. Oh well.....

Couple really exciting updates:

Megan had her beauitiful baby boy Chip July 5th. I'm sure Chip will be great friends with Baby Boy Ruddick and Baby boy Carter in the future. Hopefully I will get to meet Chip soon. But I'm so happy for Ted, Megan and Grace

Two days til I will be back in KC celebrating Lauren and David's wedding. I'm so excited to be a part of it! Maybe I will take pictures, but more than likely you will have to read about the wedding on Brittany's Blog.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Sex and 16 weeks

So as of Wednesday baby Ruddick and I are 16 weeks into this journey. 24 more weeks to go.

I have offically gained 6 lbs, although I feel like the nurse can't read the scale. I'm pretty sure she knocked off a few pounds. I'm thinking I'm more around the 8-10 mark. I have really been enjoying this no dieting thing. Especially now that I can eat more than soup without wanting to throw up everywhere.

I'm feeling so much better each week (except for the headaches). I definetly have a belly although it changes size daily. I'm about to the point where I need maternity clothes. The belly band has been working great the past couple of weeks, but not so much anymore.

Here I am yesterday, 16 weeks and 1 day.

Stu wanted in on the action.

Barry and I had our 16 week doctors appointment yesterday. I love going to the doctor right now becuase I always feel so much better after I hear the babies heartbeat. When you can't feel them moving, it can get scary.

But look how cool the doctor's office building is. This is Memorial Hermann Hospital, they just finished this highrise a couple of years ago. My doctor is on the 21st floor, and labor and delivery is on 4 (I think).

This appointment was not scheduled to have a sonogram, but I begged. I said "I haven't seen the baby since week 8 and I can't feel it, so that is scary. Plus I don't know if it has all its extremeties, the last time we saw it, it looked like a gummy bear. I would really like to see if we could find out the sex of the baby". The nurse was not happy with me, but she still asked the doctor and the doctor agreed!!

So we now know that we are having a BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Barry was so so so excited. There was some fist pumping in the doctors office. Now we just need to decide on a name. I think we have it narrowed down to two.

I have a picture of the peewee from the sonogram, but I wasn't able to wrestle it away from Barry. The picture is resting comfortably in Barry's wallet, so he can show everyone his boy's giant penis :)

Hopefully next week/sometime this weekend I can post it.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Growing up & Out

For those of you that still check my blog. I bet you are suprised I'm actually posting. Me too! It has been since October. I'm a horrible horrible blogger. But I'm making a mid years resolution to try and be more active on this sucker. There are a couple reasons for this.

1. My mom and friend Brittany keep hounding me to start blogging. I guess hounding is a strong word, maybe encouraging is a better term.

2. As Barry and I are expecting a baby in December I feel its necessary to try and document the pregnancy.

Yes, for those of you that just choked on your drink. Barry and I are expecting, I'm pregnant, knocked up, with child, or however you want to put it. Crazy right. I totaly agree an I'm as shocked as you are. I'm really excited but totally terrified all at the same time. When did we get so old, and when did I become a responsible adult old enough to raise a child? I was still scared to tell my parents. I felt like a 16 year old girl, although my mom had me at the same age I am now.

I'm 15 weeks as of yesterday. So our due date is 12-12-12. I really hope that baby actually arrives on that day!!

Here I am yesterday, with a bit of a belly! (I would like to preface the picture with "wow this is horrible, I normally do not look like this")

Haha, I laugh looking at myself. My boobs are actually much bigger in real life then they appear on the screen. It's scary really, I hope they stop growing.

Sidenote: if you remember a post from last May, that cute giant puppy next to me is Doc who is now over a year old.

Moving on. We don't know if the baby is a boy or a girl. We currently refer to "it/baby" as a "he" becuase Barry is 100% sure that "it/baby" will be a boy. I'm rooting for him, but I don't have any idea at all.

I actually found out about being pregnant 3 hours after Barry left for Vegas in March. I had to keep the secret all weekend, and over the course of that weekend took 5 pregnancy tests. I'm very happy I did test it though as I was really excited to a wine filled girls weekend!

I will be back next week for 16 weeks, and hopefully I will have a sonogram picture to share. Actually I don't know if the doctor does a sonogram at 16 weeks or not. It will be a suprise!